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Stainless Steel Band Filters  
General Information:
   Stainless band filters are woven from 304 quality wires with a double braided system (plain dush…). Maximum wire thicknesses are used. It has high resistance to heat and pressure.

Usage areas:
   It is used for filtration purposes in industrial areas to obtain high quality products. It is used in the plastic industry, synthetic yarn industry and sack factories.

Technical Table (Double Braided Wires)

Mesh Wire Thickness (mm) Roll Length Dimensions
260 x 40 0,15 x 0,27 10 mt
260 x 40 0,15 x 0,27 10 mt
260 x 40 0,15 x 0,27 10 mt
260 x 40 0,15 x 0,27 10 mt
132 x 17 0,32 x 0,45 10 mt
132 x 17 0,32 x 0,45 10 mt
132 x 17 0,32 x 0,45 10 mt
132 x 17 0,32 x 0,45 10 mt
152 x 24 0,27 x 0,40 10 mt
152 x 24 0,27 x 0,40 10 mt
78 x 15 0,40 x 0,50 10 mt
78 x 15 0,40 x 0,50 10 mt